Water Main Breaks and Leaks FAQ’s:
The Clermont County Water Resources Department serves over 43,000 customers and maintains approximately 800 miles of water lines. Water main breaks are generally characterized by water spraying or rolling to the surface. Water main leaks are generally characterized by water seeping and saturated soils.
How do I report a water main break or leak?
To report a break or leak, please call 513-732-7970 during regular business hours (8-4:30, M-F) or 513-553-4113 after hours and weekends or holidays.
How long does it take to fix a water main break?
Once a main break is reported, it takes crews approximately 1-2 hours to arrive on site. Water main breaks usually take between 3 to 4 hours to repair, once the crews are on site. These times are approximate and can vary depending on time of day, other maintenance activities that are underway, and location or severity of the main break.
How long does it take to fix a water main leak?
Depending on the severity of the leak, water main leaks are typically repaired within 2 to 3 business days after being reported.
How are customers affected by a water main break?
During a main break, affected customers may experience reduced water pressure or no water service. Customers may also experience discolored water and air in the water. Once a main break is repaired, the water main is flushed using nearby fire hydrants. Fire hydrants are sometimes left running for extended periods to help remove any air that may be trapped in the water main.
What should I do after the water has been turned back on?
Properties affected by the main break should flush their service line by running a faucet for 2 to 3 minutes, once the water main has been returned to service. If you have a very long service line (over 200 feet) you should consider allowing the faucet to run longer.
Is a boil water advisory necessary?
The Ohio EPA does not require boil water advisories if the water main is repaired in accordance with American Waterworks Association (AWWA) Standards. Clermont County Water Resources Department procedures are based on AWWA Standard C-651 for repairs.
Chlorine residual and, when necessary, bacteriological samples are collected to verify there is no contamination. Bacteriological sample results are available 24-48 hours after sample collection. A boil advisory will be issued if E.Coli or Fecal Coliform are detected in the bacteriological sample. If a boil advisory is required, customers will be notified using one or more of the following methods: broadcast media (such as television and radio), posting of the notice in conspicuous locations throughout the area, or hand delivery of the notice door-to-door. Leaks or breaks that are repaired with clamping devices while the water main remains full of pressurized water present little danger of contamination and therefore, may not require bacteriological testing.
Question: How do I transfer service?
Answer: Please call our office between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday- Friday. A non-refundable $25 service charge will be applied to your first months billing.
Question: Can I get an extension on my bill?
Answer: Yes. If you can’t pay your bill before disconnection of service, an extension form may be completed at our office or over the phone. All penalties and handling fees are still added to your account. The form requires you to give a date and time when your payment can be expected.
Question: Can I make a payment plan?
Answer: Yes. Time payments are available for customers with high water bills due to leaks. After completing a form at our office, you will have a certain amount due by a designated day every month. All penalties are credited unless time payments and current water billings are not paid by the designated due date.
Question: Where is my water shut-off valve?
Answer: In the event of an emergency, it might be necessary to turn off the main water valve coming into your home. It is important that everyone know where their main water shut-off valve is located. In most homes, it is located on the basement wall where the water line first enters the house. The shut-off valve is the first valve on the pipe.
Question: Do you have an adjustment policy for leaks?
Answer: Yes. If you find leak in your line or inside your home have it repaired and contact our office for more details.
Question: Why do I have low water pressure?
Answer: Many factors influence pressure, including elevation, line size, and system demand. If you have a question about your water pressure, please call our office.
Question: How can I pay my bill?
Answer: Payments can be made in person at:
Clermont County Water Resources DepartmentBy Mail:
Clermont County Water ResourcesCredit card/debit card/e-check payment options:
First Billing Services charges a convenience fee to process payments
Question: What is Highest Winter Usage (HWU)?
Answer: HWU established individually by account on an annual basis. Read periods from January-April are Winter Usage bills. The larger consumption of the customers’ two winter bills sets the HWU for that customer for the following period (May-December). Winter usage for new customers without a winter billing is automatically established at 15,000 gallons.
Question: What if I fill a pool?
Answer: The sewer charges will be based on your HWU. The water charges will be based on the water usage.
Question: How often is my water meter read?
Answer: Approximately every sixty days.
Question: What are the steps for changing from septic to public sewer?
Answer: Click here to view the General Health District’s web page on this topic.