The Clermont County Water Resources Department is required by Federal Regulations to determine what types of non-domestic wastewaters are discharged into County owned sewers. (Section 6111.05 of the Ohio Revised Code provides for the acquisition of this data by the County Sanitary Engineer.) Questions can be directed to Shannon Risner at (513)965-4800.
Commercial & Industrial Sewer Use General Questionnaire: All proposed Commercial and Industrial Sewer Users must complete this form.
Industrial Waste Discharge Questionnaire/Permit Application/Permit Renewal: Existing and proposed Industrial Users must complete this form as part of their permit evaluation process.
Pretreatment Program Rules, Regulations and Policies/Enforcement:
CCWRD Rules and Regulations (Standards and Provisions) From this page, you can access CCWRD Rules & Regulations, which lays out CCWRD fundamental powers and responsibilities. See Article IV for pretreatment requirements; this includes revisions to the Pretreatment Program approved by OEPA and the Clermont County Board of County Commissioners.
Enforcement Response Plan: This plan establishes the responsibilities and procedures CCWRD uses to enforce pretreatment and other pertinent standards relating to industrial wastes.
Reporting and Compliance:
Information on Slug Discharge Control Plan Development/Notification Procedure
Spill and Slug Notification Form
Local Limits:
Clermont County’s wastewater treatment plants are designed to handle domestic wastewater from typical households, not the industrial wastes from a factory or business. Wastewater discharged from an industry may contain pollutants that could interfere with the operation of the county’s treatment plants. Clermont County Water Resource Department (CCWRD) began the industrial pretreatment program to help control the wastewater flow coming into the treatment facilities.
Certain customers, often known as Significant Industrial Users (SIU), must be permitted under the industrial pretreatment program. SIUs must also control the quality of their discharge by installing appropriate systems that will “pretreat” their wastewater prior to discharging into the sewer system. CCWRD regulates this program through wastewater sampling and on-site inspections of commercial and industrial facilities.
A Significant Industrial User (SIU) is defined as:
Program Goals
The Industrial Pretreatment program is a federally mandated program under the Clean Water Act, which controls the discharges of commercial and industrial facilities.
The goals of the program are:
Approved Sampling / Monitoring Manhole
S1.10 Industrial Pretreatment Sampling Manhole – see Standards and Provisions
A Wastewater Permit-To-Install (PTI) from Ohio EPA is needed to construct any wastewater collection, storage or treatment system or wishes to modify any existing wastewater collection, storage or treatment system. A PTI is required by Ohio Revised Code 6111.44 and Ohio Revised Code 6111.45 and rules in Ohio Administrative Code 3745-42.
A PTI is required prior to installing:
Additional links and Information:
USEPA’s Federal Pretreatment Program
OAC Chapter 3745-3 Industrial Discharges to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (Pretreatment Rules)
Fact Sheet by Ohio EPA about discharging to floor drains:
Ohio EPA’s Office of Compliance Assistance and Pollution Prevention (OCAPP) provides free and confidential assistance to help businesses and organizations comply with Ohio’s environmental requirements. OCAPP does not share any information with other Ohio EPA divisions, including the investigative and enforcement division.
EPA’s Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals Sewer Ban Effective August 21, 2019, health care facilities and reverse distributors are no longer allowed to dispose of pharmaceuticals that are hazardous waste by flushing or putting them down the drain.
Ohio EPA E3 Award Program: The Encouraging Environmental Excellence (E3) Achievement, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Awards recognize an organization’s exceptional achievements in environmental stewardship. Any business/industry in Ohio can be recognized for their commitment to environmental excellence. The goal of environmental stewardship is to reduce the impact of business or organizational activities on the environment beyond measures required by any permit or rule, producing a better environment, conserving natural resources, and resulting in long-term economic benefits. Ohio EPA evaluates applications using 15 environmental stewardship criteria.
Contact Information:
Shannon Risner
Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator
Clermont County Water Resources
1003 U.S. Route 50
Milford, Ohio 45150
(513) 965-4800 – office (Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM)
(513) 732-5384 – after hours and emergency